Thursday, July 25, 2024

Natural Insecticide

3 chili paper and 2 garlic to a hot water cup then add dish soap stir pour in a watering can and spray it in the plants that are infested with insects

Flowering tips Flower Fertilizer

Banana peel water leave 24 hours add 10 ml of vinegar pour directly into the flower pot.

Rooting Water

A cup of water a spoon if brown sugar a spoon if baking soda, few  drops of vinegar leave 24 hours and then water plants to increase plants root system

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Sketchup Landscape


Permaculture Components

Bil Mollison and Permaculture


Who invented permaculture?

Bill Mollison, often credited as the "founder of permaculture," was an Australian traveler, scientist, baker, fisherman, gardener, autodidact, and writer who researched and published extensive genealogies of Indigenous Australians, and through this work he became inspired to dedicate the rest of his life to learning and teaching integrated ways for humans to live on the planet without destroying it. Mollison worked with many people and wrote, co-wrote, and inspired many books, organized hundreds of courses, and traveled all over the world collecting and sharing information about ecological design. He was especially enchanted with the notion of agricultural systems working together with human home systems so that each meets the needs of the other, and collaborated on a huge array of visionary design drawings with his then-colleague and illustrator, Reny Slay.

Mollison was also influenced by writers who had come before him, such as Rachel Carson (Silent Spring, 1962) Ken & Barbara Kern (The Owner-Built Home, 1961), P.A. Yeomans (Water for Every Farm, 1965), and J. Russel Smith, who wrote Tree Crops for a Permanent Agriculture (1929), the title credited with sparking the idea to call it "perma-culture."

And guess what? Many of the exact ideas Mollison presented in his early books can also be found in the above four books. Read them and see for yourself. Those guys did NOT invent this concept!

Indeed, throughout his life until he died in 2016, Mollison consistently pointed back to his sources and reiterated that he did not "own" any of these ideas, and that this type of knowledge can not and should not be owned.

In all of his work, we see an ethical and practical reliance on a fairly short list of ecological design principles, summarized here from his early writing:

  • Work with nature, rather than against it.
  • The problem is the solution. “You don’t have a slug problem, you have a duck deficiency.”
  • Make the least change for the greatest effect.
  • The yield of a system is limited only by the information and imagination of the designer.
  • Everything gardens, and is in relationship to its environment.
  • It is not the number of diverse components in a design that leads to stability, it is the number of beneficial connections between these components.
  • All design is ecological design, in that all designs, whether intentional or not, affect their environment.​

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Planting Gardens Based on the Astrological Calendar

Plant gardens based on the Astrological Calendar and the results will be incredible (twice the yield). This is how ancient civilizations learned to survive. They could free up massive amounts of labour from producing food into many other trades so their civilization could grow and flourish.

Lunar cycles and Equinoxes are more important than the solstices. 

You want to do your transplants and trimmings on the Equinoxes. 

When planting seed you go by the lunar cycles. You plant your root crops on the quarter moon as the magnetic pull of the earth germinates the seed downward and moisture with it. 

On Full and New moons you plant your crops that grow out of the ground. The magnetic phase of the moon will cause the seed to germinate out of soil quicker as it pulls moisture to the surface. 

The reason why the egg is associated with Easter is because that holiday falls just after the Vernal Equinox(12hrs sunlight/12 hrs moonlight). When a chicken receives 12hrs of sunlight it begins to lay eggs. 

The roosters job is to wake up 20-30min before dawn and wake up the flock of chickens so they receive the most amount of sunlight and ensure maximum egg production. The yoke of the egg is also representative of the sun which is why it has been tied to Easter.